Finger Play exhibition by Gili Avissar is opening on March 25 at 7:30 PM local time at the Seminar College of Art, Shalom Tower, Tel Aviv. Gili Avissar is a multi-disciplinary artist, who has been creating large-scale textile installations and videos, while his practice embeds both object-making and performance, sometimes at the same time.
Finger Play is curated by Drorit Gur Arie and Tal Schwartz and will be on display by the end of May 2021.
”A double play of fingers takes place in the work – the artist’s fingers that spin the material around, executing the physical gestures, and the thousands and thousands of cut-out and outline “fingers” that turn into objects, becoming the expression of a physical, organic dimension. Some of these objects may be worn, as if asking to contain something more, to expand the skin, and blur the borders between viewer and artwork”, state exhibition curators Drorit Gur Arie and Tal Schwartz.