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Proiectul WE’RE HERE împlinește un an
Lucrările internaționale de artă queer ilustrează o diversitate de teme, tehnici și medii COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ Pentru difuzare imediată...

WE’RE HERE the Project Is One Year Old
International Queer Works of Art Illustrate a Diversity of Themes, Techniques and Media PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Bucharest, 8...

Joyeux anniversaire, Lea Rasovszky!
Le projet WE'RE HERE on souhaite lui un chaleureux "Joyeux anniversaire, Lea Rasovszky!” Le mois dernier, elle a été invitée par...

La mulți ani, Lea Rasovszky!
Proiectul WE'RE HERE urează azi „La mulți ani, Lea Rasovszky!” Luna trecută ea a fost invitată de #GUILDREPORT 2021 să povestească despre...

Happy Birthday, Lea Rasovszky!
Today WE'RE HERE the project wishes ”Happy Birthday!” to Lea Rasovszky. Just last month she was invited by #GUILDREPORT 2021 to give an...

¡Cumpleaños Feliz, Lea Rasovszky!
El proyecto WE´ARE HERE le desea ¡Cumpleaños Feliz, Lea Rasovszky! El mes pasado, Lea ha sido invitada para contar sobre su año pandémico...

Les RASOVSZKYS dans l'Infra-Noir
<<Le sport est cool, les légumes ça va, le MagneB6 va encore, mais ce qui est top c’est quand tout explose.>> La première collaboration...

The Rasovszkys in Infra-Noir
„Sport is OK, veggies are OK, Magnesium B6 is OK ok, but the best is when everything is blowing up." The first ever collab between Lea...

Insertul Rasovszky în Infra-Noir
„Sportul e ok, legumele sunt ok, magnezium b6 e ok, dar cel mai bine e când explodează tot.” Prima colaborare dintre Lea Rasovszky și...

La inserción Rasovszky en Infra-Noir
„El deporte está bien, las verduras están bien, magnesio B6 está bien pero lo mejor de todo es cuando explota todo.” La primera...

WE'RE HERE @ Bucharest Gallery Night 2020
#wereheretheproject #wiehie #contemporary #art #contemporaryart #queer #queerart #supercontemporary #videoinstallation #visualarts...

WE'RE HERE @ Bucharest Gallery Night 2020
First, there was a TV screen. A plain and simple TV screen - it must have been the ‘80s, TV was big in my ‘80s. Then it was a video...

Me in a Nutshell by Lea Rasovszky
Lea Rasovszky (Romania) Me in a Nutshell Video, Internet 2020 Instagram @lea.rasovszky Website Videography: the artist...
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