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Paul Mureșan în preproducție cu „Dă-mi mâna”
Noua animație la care lucrează Paul Mureșan se numește „Dă-mi mâna”, este un short în stilul deja binecunoscut, produs de Mihai Mitrică...

Paul Muresan ya está en preproducción con “Dame la mano”
La nueva animación en la que está trabajando Paul Mureșan se llama “Dame la mano” y se trata de un corto dibujado a su manera ya muy bien...

Liviu Bulea à Rotterdam
La galerie Chrysalid présente OF WANDERING CONCRETE AND A DISPLACED CAMERA, avec des œuvres du photographe afghan Ferdows FAGHIR et de...

Liviu Bulea in Rotterdam
Chrysalid Gallery is showing OF WANDERING CONCRETE AND A DISPLACED CAMERA, featuring works by Afghan photographer Ferdows Faghir and...

Liviu Bulea în Rotterdam
Galeria Chrysalid prezintă OF WANDERING CONCRETE AND A DISPLACED CAMERA, cu lucrări ale fotografului afgan Ferdows Faghir și ale...

Liviu Bulea en Rotterdam
La Galería Chrysalid de Rotterdam presenta la exposición OF WANDERING CONCRETE AND A DISPLACED CAMERA que incluye obras del fotógrafo...

Les RASOVSZKYS dans l'Infra-Noir
<<Le sport est cool, les légumes ça va, le MagneB6 va encore, mais ce qui est top c’est quand tout explose.>> La première collaboration...

The Rasovszkys in Infra-Noir
„Sport is OK, veggies are OK, Magnesium B6 is OK ok, but the best is when everything is blowing up." The first ever collab between Lea...

Insertul Rasovszky în Infra-Noir
„Sportul e ok, legumele sunt ok, magnezium b6 e ok, dar cel mai bine e când explodează tot.” Prima colaborare dintre Lea Rasovszky și...

La inserción Rasovszky en Infra-Noir
„El deporte está bien, las verduras están bien, magnesio B6 está bien pero lo mejor de todo es cuando explota todo.” La primera...

Happy Birthday, Doctor Toons!
Paul Muresan is about to become a doctor in cartoons, on top of being the artist, cartoonist, director and illustrator he already is, so...

Show Your Love
Hate and vandalism know no respect, and no curfew, to state the obvious. So, this has just happened in Montreal, Canada, where Ian Stone...

Uncensored Queer Happy Birthday, Liviu Bulea!
Today, January 13, is Liviu Bulea’s birthday! Happy Birthday! And many queer projects too! Liviu is also curating, and one upcoming...

Réflexions début 2021. Fabien Ghernati
Ce n'est pas ton domaine. Tu connais rien. T’es complètement amateur. Quel est ton bénéfice? Quel est mon bénéfice? Ou: «très beau...

Gânduri la început de 2021. Fabien Ghernati
Nu este domeniul tău. Nu te pricepi. Ești un amator. Ție ce-ți iese? Mie ce-mi iese? Sau: foarte fain proiectul, vreau să particip. Și...

Ian Stone at BBAM! Gallery
“You'Re Gayer than a Picnic Bascket” by Ian Stone is currently on display at the BBAM! Gallery in Montreal, Canada, until January 31,...

Unseethat by Efthymis Charmalias
Efthymis Charmalias (Greece) Unseethat Videoart 2020 Unseethat is Efthymis Charmalias. An artist from Athens, Greece. Unseethat is...

Hypnosis (Hipnoza) by Atila Gomboș
Atila Gomboș (Romania) Hypnosis Videoart 2020 Relaxation is engulfing your body and you are more and more sleepy. Your eyelids are...

Perpetuating by Nikola Djukich
Nikola Djukich (Serbia, China) Perpetuating, Djukich by Djukich selfportraits, Quarantine II, "I want to be flexible, I want to go out"...

Fusion (Fuziune) by Atila Gomboș
Atila Gomboș (Romania) Fusion Videoart 2020 Facebook #wereheretheproject #wiehie #contemporary #art...

WE'RE HERE @ Bucharest Gallery Night 2020
#wereheretheproject #wiehie #contemporary #art #contemporaryart #queer #queerart #supercontemporary #videoinstallation #visualarts...

WE'RE HERE @ Bucharest Gallery Night 2020
First, there was a TV screen. A plain and simple TV screen - it must have been the ‘80s, TV was big in my ‘80s. Then it was a video...

Where do you go? by Otilia Cadar
Otilia Cadar (Romania) Where do you go? Acrylic on canvas 100 x 70 cm 2020 Facebook Instagram...

Eating with Wolves by Gili Avissar
Gili Avissar (Israel) Eating with Wolves Stop motion video 2010 Web Instagram @giliavissar Vimeo
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